Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Who am I? Death Never Takes a Holiday

Who am I? I am human, and I am normal (well sort of normal anyway).

Life goes up, and when it decides to go down, boy does it fall hard. We heard from an old friend passing away this morning and as it tends to do it takes you on a journey. That journey through reminiscing about the past.

It is never easy for a family to lose someone, no matter the age. The loss is loss and when it is someone you love that loss is significant. I have suffered a loss in my life, and I have had close calls of loss.

There are no words to express to someone when they are the ones who have said goodbye to their loved one. It doesn't matter if you have lost someone yourself, anything you say is not sufficient.

Every person goes through this time differently. Brothers and sisters feel pain different; spouses feel different. I found in my position what I wanted more than anything was a kind smile, a pat on the back, and eyes that told me they were there. I didn't want to hear, "I know how you feel," "I lost someone too," and honestly
"They are in a better place" wasn't comforting at the time.

If you have faith, you believe they are in a better place, and you don't have to hear it. And in the moment of loss it doesn't help, you are just in shock and horror that this has happened. No words were the best for me.

Death, such a horrible part of life. It never gets better, and no matter how long it has been you will always miss a loved one. The Sad part of life but if you loved them, it is hard.

It helps to have the faith they went on to a better place, but that doesn't fill the hole they leave. As I sat holding my Mama's hand as she gasped her last breath, I knew she was going to a better place, but it didn't fix the pain.

I miss my Mama and Daddy every day and will always miss them. I loved them so much.

Loss through death is so painful it feels like something was stolen. Sure we get through it somehow, but it is never easy.

I just send my prayers and good thoughts to anyone who is going through this.

Death comes to all of us in some form during our lives. That is just a part of things. It is not easy because when we love it is powerful.

RIP to an old friend. May you ride in heaven among the angels.

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