Saturday, October 8, 2016

Who Am I? An American in the Midwest

Who am I? That is not the question. Today is more a question of how am I?

It is the time of year or at least the time of an election year that we see countless political ads at an endless rate. They are some of the saddest things we have to endure. Political ads are nothing but a time to pull out all the old childhood games of he said she said and a lot of they did it not me.

Just turn on the news everything is Trump said this, Hillary said this.

I get so tired of the childish finger pointing that goes on in politics. Every politician I have heard changes their tune from time to time and none of them tell us what they will do. They merely say whatever crowd they are in front of at the time what they want to hear. Right now it is not about telling us any vital information it is all about gathering votes.

How do we know what they will do after they are elected? Honestly, we will not know until the time occurs. So much mudslinging and name calling that it feels to me that we as the people are forgotten.

My one thought is pure. I agree with Trump that the country needs run as a business and we need to straighten up our entire system. But when any of the candidates running keep telling us they understand the plight of the common man I have to wonder. How can billionaires and millionaires understand the difficult situation of what people are dealing with in today's world?

We are a country that exists of people wondering how to put food on the table, how to keep our electric on, and worries about health care. How can individuals who spend thousands on nonsense understand that feeling?

My late mother-in-law was of that similar mindset. She had the warped concept that the mere fact of living in the United States automatically meant you had everything. Her thoughts included the idea that only the lazy or addicted went without.

I am a little ashamed that at one point in my life I didn't know the truth and in a way believed the same thing. But as with all things in life reality came calling and I learned the truth.

Does any of our political candidates understand what it is like to look in the eye of their child and tell them there is no food? Do they know what it is to lay awake all night wondering how to pay the bills? My mother-in-law didn't understand any of that.

We live in the greatest country on the planet. We have so many wonderful things and opportunities as citizens of the United States, yet there are so many ways this great nation is lacking. Health care is my primary complaint. Obamacare was supposed to make sure that everyone got proper medical attention and no one did without ever again.

Now the truth in what has occurred after Obamacare has been a different story. In my life, this program has done quite the opposite, and I know SO many who are in the same situation. Since the bill the was supposed to give everyone access to health insurance went into effect I know people who have lost their insurance.

Was the reason to pass the bill not to provide everyone with low-cost insurance? Instead, it fines those who can not afford to pay the premiums on this so-called low priced insurance. What an oxymoronic thing to do, a penalty charged for not having insurance.

So if you don't have health insurance, you must pay a fine. I know people who don't have the insurance because they don't qualify for aid and can't afford the premiums on their own. How can fine individuals who are already having trouble paying bills because they can't pay another?

Looking past those facts of Obamacare, we move into the fact that finding a doctor now has become almost impossible. You must find one that takes the insurance you can afford, and that is a task that leads to despair.

Clinics and doctors want to interview you now before they accept you as a patient. They don't like it when you have very much wrong with you. In our case, a doctor, my husband, had seen for years wouldn't accept him back as a patient when we moved home again. It had been seven years since he saw him, so it had been too long.

Medical care is difficult enough but finding a physician who will accept ongoing medical problems is not easy. And that doesn't even go into the topic of your chronic pain. Those two little words seem to repeal doctors like garlic on vampires. If you want to get, your doctor to run backward, it is quite simple. Just mention your chronic pain and watch the dust fog as he escapes.

To the world of candidates on the ballot, I ask them not to judge me because I am skeptical about their promises. I am just looking at things from the point of view that has seen a lot of things. I always hold high hopes that things will be different but often find I am disappointed.

You see as will happen we often are slapped with reality when things happen. I learned the lessons of life that can take you from the top of the heap to the very bottom with just one quick motion. My mother-in-law's point of view on the world's needy quickly was proven wrong in our lives.

When my husband was injured at work our life spiraled down. All it took for us to learn hard lessons was a brain injury. That TBI (traumatic brain injury) collapsed our world, nothing would ever be as we knew it.

In the blink of an eye, my world changed, and I learned hard lessons that altered my warped views of the needy.

Politicians come and go but aren't it time all the childish name calling and finger pointing ended? Shouldn't the issues of taking care of the American people be the first thought for any of them? Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Liberalists aren't the point, when did the term AMERICANS get lost in a mess?

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