Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Who Am I? Happily Married 36 Years Where Did The Time Go?

Who am I? There was a time in my life that statement went unanswered because I really didn’t know who I was or why I was even here. But for me, that changed when Lynn came into my life. I finally felt like I had a place, a reason for existing.

They say that love at first sight is a myth, but for those of us who have felt its powerful feeling well, we know the truth. We had our first date June 6, 1980. It was just a few days not even 2 weeks later, June 18, 1980, that we went to our families to tell them we wanted to get married.

Who am I? There was a time in my life that statement went unanswered because I didn’t know who I was or why I was even here. But for me, that changed when Lynn came into my life. I finally felt like I had a place, a reason for existing.

They say that love, at first sight, is a myth, but for those of us who have felt its powerful feeling well, we know the truth. We had our first date June 6, 1980. It was just a few days not even two weeks later, June 18, 1980, that we went to our families to tell them, we wanted to get married.

As the world might figure, that information didn’t sit well with them. Here we were a 16-year-old boy and an 18-year-old girl telling them we wanted to marry and start a life. We felt like we were adults after all don’t all teenagers think they know everything and are the most mature people on the planet?

What they didn’t know was that the feelings we had for one another were something far deeper than teenage lust or infatuation. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Lynn was the other half of my soul. The half that would help to keep me sane.

Our parents decided that we had to wait till September to get married. I know his mother was hoping I would go away before we got married. She was the one who felt the strongest about us not marrying and the one reason we almost had to run away to a state where we could marry. But his dad signed the papers (in an attempt to infuriate his mother, but we didn’t care the reason).

The wedding was not the one I had always dreamed about. Mama didn’t make my dress because the price was too high. We almost didn’t have any flowers because the money Mama and Daddy had for the wedding ran out. None of that mattered, and it still doesn't today.

But finally, I walked down the aisle to hold the hand of my soul mate and life began for us.

Married life is not an easy thing, especially for the young. But no matter how many people tried to cause trouble, no matter how many times our families pushed us aside, no matter the economic ups and downs, no matter the illnesses, accidents, and medical issues, no matter the turmoil from some unnamed individuals, no matter anything. We have made it through and are stronger for all the trials and tribulations that life has thrown in our paths.

Love, honest, true deep to the very soul love, is the greatest thing a person can have in their life. You give that to me.

No matter the 36 years we have been married, when I am in a crowd of people, I still feel your presence whenever you approach. I know the second you enter they store when I have been inside for any amount of time. Our connection is strong. Our connection is deep.

I am only the person I am today because you complete me.

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