Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Worst Mother's Day Gifts:

Who am  I? Again here I a woman of many hats. I stand tall as a mom and wife before anything else in life. But then the different hats begin to come out.

I am a published author; I am a copywriter.  I am an artist and illustrator. I am an editor. I am a seamstress; I am opinionated, I am vocal, I am puppy sitter, I am a movie fanatic, I am a sci-fi nut, I am a redhead, I am moody, I am a crier, I am a BiPolar. Most importantly, though, I am ME, I am who I want to be right now, and I am happy.

With the Mother's Day on top of us, I began to wonder about what gifts the world is giving their mothers. It hasn't been that many years that I started celebrating this beautiful day again after my own Mama passed during the Mother's Day event. So now as I am again among those who look to this day, I

Personally, I have been given some of the most beautiful things by my family that I have never experienced one of those OMG moments of receiving a gift. I have a precious jewelry and flowers along with other items.
So now I wonder what terribly inappropriate gifts given to other Mothers.

How about the family who sprung a trampoline on Mom? Okay, so as they were bouncing around she could sit back and admire her gift.

Or the ever popular breakfast in bed. But then Mom gets out of bed and cleans the kitchen. Maybe not such a great gift.

I have heard of so many awful gifts given to Moms around the world, that go far beyond the flowers or candy. But the worst gift of all those terrible gifts is the gift that all Mothers everywhere are devastated to receive. This present is the gift that will last a lifetime in pain.

That is the gift of forgetting. The gift of not caring. That gift is the worse thing a Mother could ever receive.

No matter what the circumstances. No matter what is going on in your life. Remember your Mom, remember the woman who loves you no matter what you do, the woman who stands up for you when others don't and remember the woman who gave you life.
Because without our Mothers, none of us would be here.

Mama, I love you.

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