Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Who Am I? Mother, WIfe, Lover, Writer, Artist

Who am I? Where has life taken me? So many questions that I am asked all the time. 
 So who am I? Many things come to mind, some of them aren't always seen in the best of 
light.  I have been called wife, lover, mom, friend, nana, neighbor, writer, artist, journalist, councilman, secretary, real estate broker, businesswoman, activist, and bitch.

But that doesn't say who I am. I am an emotional, caring person who loves to laugh, can 
scream loud with an awful temper, I love my family and become nervous when I face others' 
pain and suffering.

My life had not taken the road I thought it would when I was in High School. First I swore I 
was not going to get married until I was out of Veterinary school. But, things changed.

This Rollercoaster of my life has had the highest peaks, and the sharpest falls all leading me 
on a journey like no other.

I have dined with Governors, had expensive meals at fund raisers, laughed with what some might 
see as the underbelly of humanity, cried with the sick as I interviewed them, written books, sang 
songs and enjoyed each day. We have seen and done so much it almost doesn't seem fair that it 
was only our lives. There have been celebrities come and go from my kitchen as well as those 
who were rising in the entertainment world. They've sprawled on our sofa to watch movies, raided 
the refrigerator like teenagers, and taught all of us that diversity is merely a word. Because in 
reality as Colorado Ex-Governor Roy Romer liked to remind us "we put our pants on one leg at a 

When the song Home of the Hillbilly plays on the radio with the words, "biker, redneck, hillbilly, 
hick" we see the many meals we have shared with our "diverse" and eclectic set of friends. Or 
honestly they have all gone far beyond the friend stage, and we call them family. 

So where has the last 35 years taken me? Everywhere. From Compton to Pikes Peak and 
down to the Florida swamps. 

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