Sunday, April 17, 2016

Journey to Hell and Back, The Beginning Transformation of a Lost Soul

Who am I and where do I come from, have been age-old questions since the beginning of time. Even Adam and Eve wondered with questions to God on their situation. So why is today any different?

The real point is honest; it is not any different no matter who you talk to. And in my case, those thoughts came to me at a very young age.

I would sit in the closet and hide wondering why. Why was I here? Why was I not perfect? Why would anyone love me? I also asked why my brother was the one everyone loved and cared about.

You see I never actually felt like I belonged. I didn’t feel a real part of the ‘family’ that was around me. I always felt as if I was just tolerated and looked at like ‘oh well.' Those feelings never went away, and I tried desperately to keep them hidden, I probably did a pretty good job because no one seemed to notice. Or it may have just been the fact I hid it well.

Whatever the case it was the foundation that led me on a quest to figure out my place in this world. And to understand where I came from. Both of my parents had stepfathers, and I longed to see what my birth grandfathers were about and to learn about their side of the family tree.

It was not easy. The stepfamily on my Mama’s side told me how awful I was for doing that. My whole life they relished in the fact of telling me I wasn’t one of them. So what was the big deal now? It devastated me for a brief time then my search continued. It was a fantastic trip and one I figure I will travel the rest of my life.

So in this blog go with me as I find out who I am and if I belong somewhere.

Hopefully, the trip will take me on a journey that doesn’t include some of the following ‘personalities’.

Enjoy the next part as just a sort of ‘shits and grins’ peek into the strange world around us.

Oddities of the Human Train

Many people have often been said to have left their homes to go off to “find themselves, ” and in a sense, I guess I have done that my entire life. I always thought as a child I knew who I was, but honestly, I knew nothing.

Apparently, numerous people around the country (ironically, mostly Wal-Mart shoppers) have no idea who they are either. Or at least we can hope they have no idea who they are. Because if they did surely, they rethink the way they appear.

As this Diva of Walmart shows maybe you are one of those truly ‘awesome’ people who think their sh*t don’t stink. And aren’t afraid to show it.

Or maybe you are a fox in hiding. Apparently, hiding at the Wal-Mart deli.

Or do you long to be part of the Force and think you are Chewbacca?

Then again, maybe no one knows who they are.

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