Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Death Comes Like A Stranger in the Night

Death. It means so much, just those five little letters. I have seen and dealt with so much in my life. I have lost 4 Grandmothers, 1 Grandfather, my parents, my in-laws, friends, and even some I felt as if were my children.

It is always hard to deal with going on after you have lost someone you love so much. When my Mama died, I wasn't sure what we would do. I asked my Dad as we stared at the cold casket on that sunny day in May, "What will we do without her?" His reply was barely audible as he said, "I don't know."

My parents always had been inseparable for so many years. Even when possible Mama went with him to work and the moment he was home, they were together. No matter what they did it together. Now as they had to part in the worst way, I wondered what the world would be like for my poor Dad. How would he ever continue?

It was so hard to drive away and leave the cemetery that day knowing she was gone. But we had to. Then a life without a mother began for me.

Funny, you never realize how much you ask your mom until she isn't there. How many times I went to the phone and dialed to realize no one would pick up the other end. It is hard, then it happened. My Dad left me to go on and be with Mama just a few short years later.

That was the moment I began to feel all alone in the world. Not that my little family wasn't fantastic. My husband and kids are the best. It was just that now with no parents I honestly feel like an orphan.

You don't know what it will be like to lose your parents until you stand at their graves knowing you are alone.

That was the second I decided I needed to know my roots. Who was I? My parents step- families always made it clear I wasn't one of them, so now I needed to find out where I did come from.

Where did I start? I didn't have anyone who could help me in the search. No one to ask where to begin. So digging deep into the childhood memories I searched.

Genealogy is something that we should impress upon our children. Start as soon as you can, write things down, record anything you can because there won't always be someone around to tell you what the past held.

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