Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Who am I really? Does anyone know?

Who am I?

As a writer, I am often asked for a bio. This is one of the hardest tasks for me to produce. Creating fiction comes easy as I produce fictional characters and their entire backstory. Their lives become an entire world inside my head, from the day they were born and all through their lives. I see their faces and can feel their emotions.

But coming up with the words to describe myself, now that often leaves me blank. It is not that I don't have a story to tell, it is just finding the right words to put it on paper.

Well, I am a woman who has survived many things. My book The Unbearable Truth of Reality/ Life with Head Injury was just re-released on Amazon.

People are always saying 'this is just too wild to be true' that the things were written could not possibly have occurred.

I chuckle to myself whenever I hear those words because I wish with all my heart that it was not true. But the reality is that every word is true and there are so many instances that are just as unbelievable that were left on the cutting room floor.

Life is unreal and when you deal with an injury like this, well most of the things are hard to fathom. To the naysayers who can't wrap their little minds around the whole story I pray nothing like this ever happens to you for you to learn the hard way that life is wild and hard to believe.

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