Sunday, January 28, 2018

Who Am I? Happy That's Who

The end of another year. Or the beginning of a new one. Really doesn’t matter how you say it because it is simply a door opening into the unknown. What will the new year hold? 

So as I sit at the start of the 37th New Year with the love of my life I reflect on the past that placed us at this precise moment of history.

We have lost loved ones, gained friends, lost friends, had children, grandchildren, and lived a life that seems more like a movie than real life. When we walked down the aisle we thought we were so adult only to find out through the course of time that we were such “babies” and would be years growing up. 

Our years have seen fund-raising $1000 luncheons with the Governor of Colorado, backyard barbeques with famous (and not so famous) rappers, holidays with bikers, movie nights with friends from all walks of life, Sunday dinners with a house full of “family”, spent time with Tommy Chong among others, and so much more. 

Sure we haven’t had the typical life that most dream about. We have endured hardship, illness, accidents, and pain so intense no words can describe, but the fact we did it together made it bearable.
This wild ride we have ridden is the greatest life I could ever have dreamed.

We’ve seen Y2K, 9-11, wars, threats, fears of all kinds and now I wonder what will be in the future. Will there be more war, will the hungry be fed, will more children be mistreated, and will the homeless have shelter?

Sadly, the mysterious answer to all those questions is not the one we pray for but there will be more war, more will be hungry, more will suffer mistreatment, and more homeless. No matter what the cycle continues.

What will the rest of this new year hold for us? I have no idea but that is part of the fun, the unknown. Whatever will be, will be.

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