Saturday, November 5, 2016

Who am I? Top Reasons This Election Disgusts Voters

Who am I? Well, I am just one of the many disgusted Americans who is fed up with the election.

The top reasons we are fed up.

Voting for Hillary because she is a woman.
Seriously, how many are as fed up as I am that women are standing tall and proud to vote for Hillary just because of her gender? That is just making women look idiotic. To vote for a President merely on her gender status is moronic, to say the least. Come on ladies let's instead look at the qualifications the candidate has, just as the past voters stood up and voted for Obama because he is black.

Mudslinging, lies, name calling
An election to vote for our next President, but it looks more like a group of children on the playground drawing lines to see who doesn't have cooties. I have expected one of them to stick their tongue out at the other and scream,

  • Arguments
I hate arguments, and all we see or hear are people arguing. He will do this. She will do that. Honestly, I am most definitely not a Hillary fan, but we have no real idea what any of them will do until they are actually in office.

  • How many of us really think we have a choice? 

I vote, just because without voting do any of us have the right to complain. How many others are out there who feel that our votes don't decide anything? I wish it were different, but I lost that faith a long time ago.
  • Obama bashing Trump

It utterly disgusts me to keep hearing a President bash a candidate. Personally, I feel he should hold a bipartisan stance while in office and keep his nasty opinions to himself. 
Now the best thing will be when this is over, and we can stop all of the fussings. Or will it stop? I fear the reaction of the public with the completed vote counts.

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