Friday, November 11, 2016

Who Am I? A Proud American Who Gladly Stands Up

Who am I? Such a simple question but in this world of crap it is a deep thought. But as we move past the voting into a new era it is time to get past all the usual crap.

Headlines were indeed full of the usual political he said. She said stuff. Mudslinging is so bad it is covering the entire country. I am not sure I have seen such turmoil as to the candidates in my lifetime. But it hurts to see how this country torn apart from all the hoopla.

As we have all gathered around our televisions to watch the debates and hear what each candidate is going to do to improve our country, we have heard very little. We have instead heard how Trump had a potty mouth in the past, what a shock. We have listened how Hillary deleted emails. And we have heard buckets more of crap that has nothing to do with the Presidency.

Now, first of all, I don't like the way that Trump spoke or how men talk when they are alone. But get real people that are just how things are in our world. Words are just words. Trump has been around for many years and hasn't to my knowledge ever dealt with the same things that Bill Clinton did while he was President.

It is just heartbreaking to see such a reaction from the public. As we celebrate Veteran's Day, I hope the country just remembers to show respect to the office of the President and stop the crap.

I was a Trump supporter and still am. I feel he will work the office as a business, a business that needs to be prosperous. The things of the past don't seem to be working entirely so this sounds good to me. Okay, I completely understand that countless individuals disagree. Their opinions are completely different, but that is the way of Democracy. People have different opinions.

I was raised to be respectful even when someone disagrees with you. To me, I have always felt it was shameful to talk so terribly about any President. And I was not, nor am I now an Obama fan. But I never intentionally disrespected the President.

That same respect is given to the flag. I was taught such high respect for this symbol of our freedom. That flag was never to touch the ground and each flag no matter how small was to be given the same respect. We were taught to say the pledge of allegiance as we placed a hand over our hearts. Stand up to show respect during the National Anthem, remove our hats, and remember what this symbol stood for reference.

I respect the opinions of those who want to show support to any of their beliefs, but. The big but to that statement is that I DO NOT believe they are doing it when they disrespect the flag. Taking a knee during the National Anthem is not proper or right in my eyes. They are not showing support for their beliefs they are showing dishonor to our NATIONAL convictions.

So as Veteran's Day is upon us, I stand up for the flag; I stand up for freedom, I stand up for respect to all who have given everything for that freedom.

We need to learn that even though we might not agree with the President, he is still OUR PRESIDENT and that deserves respect.

All the riots, protests, offensive words spoken to each other because of the election need to stop. The disrespect of the flag is disgraceful and only giving those who want to destroy this great Nation a foothold to accomplish their plans.

I would hate to know what our founding fathers, who fought so hard to give us this country, would think about the way their 'children' are behaving.


  1. Well spoken. I hope that others can see the need to stop and come together as a nation instead of tearing each other down.

    1. That is so true, Maria. If would just become a country that would just stand up and stop the insanity of the senseless feuding.


No Shame Here

  Bipolar disorder. There was a time I was ashamed of those words, a time when I hid the fact, and a time I listened to those who said ...