Monday, February 13, 2017

Who am I? Naïvety and Daily Life

Life, love, and happiness, the recipe for a happy soul. Seems like a simple thing, live your life, love your family, and bam you are happy. Why is it so difficult? Why is it impossible at times?

You live a life that is good, decent, and you treat others with respect and kindness, yet it seems like you continually get kicked in the teeth. So what is it? Why is this thing called life so hard? Why does the world appear to fight us at every turn?

Maybe this is just things that go through my warped mind, but I contemplate that very thought daily. You grow up to think that your family will always be there for you, that children will love their parents, parents will take care of their children, being married means faithfulness, and our government will do what is best for the people. So many of those statements are so far from the facts.

It only takes watching our news one night to see that the world is not those things. People don't seem to love one another, families aren't what they used to be, and the government appears to have forgotten the art of caring for its people. Marriages fall apart like jigsaw puzzles. I have heard so many say they married fast because 'if it doesn't work out they will get a divorce, cause it is easy.' How sad that the thought and care that should go into starting a life together and a family has gotten so flippant.

These same said about babies. We live in a society that has a morning after pill, taken with little thought. Now, don't get me wrong I whole-heartedly believe that abortions are wrong. I would not have one, and I thank God every day that my Mama felt the same way.  She was told to have one when she was pregnant with me, due to cancer and she choose my life instead. However, I am not naive enough to think that being illegal will keep women from having them. And when they are,  women will continue to seek dangerous situations that can cost them their lives just to have the abortion.

So, what is the answer? For me, it is just to spread information to the general public and pray that women change their beliefs toward ending a pregnancy. There are thousands of loving, caring individuals who want children, without the ability to have them.

I know that can be a naive way to look at things because changing someone's way of thinking is probably not going to happen. But hey, I can dream.

The reality of life struck me years ago when I realized that blood didn't make people family and raising a child didn't mean it would love you.

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