Thursday, December 22, 2016

Who am I? Merry Christmas over the Years


Christmas is a time of joy, love, and celebration. Growing up in the Ozarks was a grand time for holidays. It was a time that everyone got together to celebrate the birth of Christ, enjoy a great meal, and spend time with family.

My holidays started just before deer season when Mama pulled out the tree lit with love and happiness. Seeing that tree always brought me such joy, the colors, the lights, and the ornaments were so beautiful. It wasn't until I was six that we got our first real tree or a green tree for that matter. Up until that time, it was a silver tree with bright red glass ornaments and a fan-like contraption that spun a color wheel that twirled red, green, yellow, and blue over the silver tree. It was magnificent.

For hours I would lie beneath that tree staring up into the silver branches as the colors spun past my eyes. Christmas was all traditions and fun. First, we would wait patiently for the lights on the Courthouse to be turned on. I say calmly but honestly, it was far from patient. We ran around all day asking over and over if it was time yet and Mama would smile and say 'you have to wait.' Finally, it was dark, and Mama pulled the chair to the window for me as Larry stood beside her. I climbed on the chair holding on tight to her arm as I waited for the red and green lights to come on. Then, like a twinkle in the night they popped on, and it thrilled my little heart to no ends.

Looking back at the simplicity of the lights it seems hokey, but they were thrilling. In today's standards probably not so much, but in the early 6o's it was unbelievable. Then, our next request was to drive around and look at the lights. It was the greatest tradition sitting in the backseat as Daddy drove us all over town looking at the bright reds and greens of the Christmas lights. They were not as extravagant as you will find today but they were remarkable and made a lasting effect on many little boys and girls.

Things were great as we enjoyed the holidays growing up, decorations were gorgeous, the food was awesome, and the joy was plenty.

Our tree didn't have thousands of dollars of presents wrapped underneath yet we were thankful for the bounty. The holidays were great.

The day before Christmas always spent at Granny's house. A group of the girl cousins and mothers gathered to bake pies. And did we bake a lot of pies! Most of us had a special pie baked. Apple for one, pumpkin for another, raisin for my Daddy, and so on. The count was around 35 pies total. Amazing when you think of it, but that was the way things were.

We opened our presents on Christmas Eve because Christmas Day was full from the moment we awoke. After presents, we made our way to Jack and Opal's for the celebration of Christmas Eve. It was tradition to spend that night with their family and Opal's wonderful treats. It was a great thing.

What does Christmas mean to you? I look forward from the beginning of the year for those bright colored decorations and the lights. I look forward to the festivities every year. But those days as a child will stay with me forever.

Now it means many different things. My daughter and I start with Black Friday. It is not that we rush out and spend a ton of money, we simply enjoy the moment with a flair of fun. Then our decorations go up all the Santas, garlands, snowmen, candles, and lights. It is such fun to see the colors flash and the smiles on the Santas as the house transforms into a real winter tree wonderland.

I feel like a kid as they twinkle in the night and no matter how old I get it is still fabulous to sit in the dark watching the tree sparkle. That is when the memories of every Christmas with my kids floats before my eyes. The memories of tiny fingers digging into the sweet potatoes warning everyone to stay back because 'they are too good.' The memories of little fingers opening up the presents that send them into fits of giggles.

Sure, there are memories that aren't so good. The ones when we were in the early years of Lynn's injury and times were lean. Even when there wasn't anything for Christmas, the kids smiled and laughed with joy. Even the year we spent in the situation of near homelessness, the girls laughed with pleasure.

My memories run over with sounds of laughter as we stand in line to see Santa. Even the year that Cole could only say, "Santa has boobs."

That followed many other years, including the year I handed Heather to Santa only to have her climb his shoulder and jump to my Dad. She never really got to the point she would sit on his lap. It also held a year where Santa was drunk, and the girls were not happy about his smell.

How could I blame them, he was pretty toxic.

Blessed in so many ways, I have lost count of all mine. My life hasn't always been easy, but whose has? With certain issues that were far from my control, I have things others never possessed.

Christmas to me means spending quality time with my family. It means love, smiles, and remembering to be thankful for all the beautiful little things that fill our lives.

Presents are not what Christmas is about, and it is the love that Christ has provided to us with his birth.

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