Friday, February 2, 2018

No Shame Here


Bipolar disorder. There was a time I was ashamed of those words, a time when I hid the fact, and a time I listened to those who said it is something I needed to get over.

Oddly enough, I have even heard that phrase from some who claim to be in the medical profession. How moronic is that? This is something that I was born with, it was not developed or created for a way to get attention.

Seriously, does the world think I would make it up just for a way to get attention or make people feel sorry for me? Absolutely not, I would love to be what the world calls normal. But this is my 'normal' and I am not ashamed.

In fact, I kind of like the me that I am. It took me a lot of years to feel that way. I spent a lot of time trying to do just what everyone wanted and 'get over it', but here I am so many years later and it is still a part of me.

Sure I have really bad days and really great days. But who doesn't? I have deep dark days that feel like I will shrivel up inside a dark hole, but who can tell me they don't have bad days?

Life is not easy for anyone if they say it is all the time they are lying to themselves. Because life is tough, period. That is the sad cold truth. But it doesn't mean life is bad or unbearable. Truth is those days that are tough SHOULD make us all more grateful for the great times we have. Stop feeling sorry for ourselves and laugh.

Bipolar disorder is nothing to wish you have, nor is it something to be ashamed that you have either.
You see I am bipolar and still a viable human being. I love to laugh and laugh as much as possible. But I also cry a lot. When I am in a depressed manic mood I fall deep but I have learned of ways to help cope with those dark moments in time. And I have a wonderful family who understands that it is just the way things are, I don't want to be sad or cry but it just happens.

To those in the world that still think bipolar is just make-believe, I shake my head at your ignorant, naive minds. Honestly, I feel sorry for you.

Don't feel sorry for me cause of this, it is just a sliver of the slices that make up who I am.

No Shame Here

  Bipolar disorder. There was a time I was ashamed of those words, a time when I hid the fact, and a time I listened to those who said ...